Zara’s philosophy as a vehicle for advising monies:

  • Zara believes in advising fund deployment based on fundamentals, including a margin of safety, meeting the estimated cost of capital, and minimising financial and management risk to generate reasonable returns across a business cycle of 5 to 7 years.
  • Avoiding permanent impairment of capital is paramount to Zara for generating these returns.
  • We prefer wealth creation through the pursuit of opportunities that are tax efficient.
  • We believe in long-term commitments and see market fluctuations as an opportunity to sell or buy, keeping value in mind. As such, we are not driven by market benchmarks and their movements but are cognizant of them.
  • We believe in making investment commitments when we can reasonably estimate security value and are comfortable forgoing any opportunity where such value is difficult to estimate.
  • On a portfolio basisour focus is on managing risks and letting returns take care of themselves as an outcome of an investment process involving a margin of safety. As such, we have no clue about the short-term direction of the markets or individual security and invest exclusively based on valuations. 


  • The Zara advisory model emphasises transparency, drives cost efficiencies, and endeavours better risk-cognizant returns over time. To read more, please click the link “Zara Advisory Model.

Family Investment Principles & Operations

When managing your family investments, you need to follow a few essential principles for optimal results while simplifying operational aspects and ensuring transparency. To read more, please click the following link “Family Investment Principles & Operationalising your Advisory Relationship